Saturday, April 24, 2021

As Costas - My Back

 Sir, Yes Sir! Fuck The Fucking Fuckers!

It´s An ORDER,
Djanine Stalin

Sunday, January 24, 2021


Com Amor, 
Djanine Putin.


You Know A Lot More Than You Ever Bargained For As It Is...
I´m not as oblivious as I appear to be.
You have forgotten to insure the beatings of my heart. You can´t control everything, but you did come close.
You said they can control the weather? They Whom?
(lol) Did you buy that device too?
Do you want to have it?
Yes! Show me the buttons?
(lol) Promisse me you wont be evil with it?
I give you no guarantees.
You don´t have to. 
Your Russian Children Are Doing Plenty Of Thinking Ahead Of You, For You. 
They want to beat you to it?
They just love you...
Who the fuck needs a trip to the Earth´s Crust, Bottom Of The Ocean Or The Earth´s Embracing Belt?
Don´t knock it until you try it...
Friends are the most honorable relationship you can have after you honor your mother and father... Regardless of whom they may be.
Don´t Ever Forget Where You Came From. 
Love The Ground Beneath Your Feet and The Air You Breathe...
Listen To Your Loving President!
Can you be the president forever?
There are more than one way to love a country.
I see.
Your Voice Echoes Forever In The Hearts Of Your Beloved Children. 
No Fear. 
Gentle, Forgiven, Fair and Just Learning. 
Okay, My Love.
May We All Rest In Peace...

Djanine Assunção Tavares Putin

[Poem Written On April 6th 2022]

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Passaros - Birds


Making me choke on my thoughts, when I´m not choking on other things.

I researched the medical acusation you labeled me as. I wanted to know what it was like to ´be´ something I never was, Professionally.

I liked it. It sounded like a great archetype to perform. You know?

I never intended to frustrate your expectations. Partially.

If I´m accused of something I am NOT, constantly, I might as well be it and accumulate ´College Credits´!!! So Sweet!!

Understand? You better get with it.

I learn something while you stay limited and ignorant. All Winnings FOR ME!

Would you like a cup of tea to go with your arrogance? Careful not to choke on it!

Djanine Putin Stalin

(Written On May 3rd 2022)

Desejo - Desire


Quem Quer Matar De CiÚme,
Morre De InVeja.
Quem Morre de Inveja,
Quer Mata-r De 'See You Me'...
(Linstening To Straight Jacket By Alanis Morissette)

Djanine Queiroz Putin Stalin

Love, Dja Putin