Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Responsability - Responsabilidade

I feel giddy about moments that pull, drag, or usher us further toward the experience of our wholeness. One of these awareness crescendos happened for me in the office of a wise therapist (as some of us know, not all of them are helpful, and my persevering in this department has always paid off). I had been sharing a story in which I saw myself “the victim”—my chest was deflated, my breath shallow, and I felt entirely disempowered. My therapist sat for a moment in silence. And looked at me with a look of empathy and a readiness to kindly challenge me (which I truly appreciate).
“What would life look like, Alanis, if you took 100% of responsibility for what was appropriate for you to take responsibility for 100% of the time?”
“Wow,” I said. “It sounds exhausting. It sounds like non-stop bootstraps pulled up. It also sounds very exciting.”
She smiled—and went on to explain. “It is being in the victim mode, the blaming mode, the self-pity mode that goes part and parcel with being disempowered, and being unable to effectuate any change in a positive direction for you.” 
I felt daunted by this charge. I could see that my buckling into victim-consciousness may have had some element of comfort in it, even some dreg of justification if I were to search for it … but it never yielded energy in me, nor did it yield a sense of agency in my life. I knew what she was asking of me was deeply sound.
Upon leaving her office, I experimented with what 100% responsibility-taking might look like. What I noticed was very different from the complete overwhelm certain parts of me had feared. My actual experience was on the other end of the spectrum. I had more energy, not less. I felt strong, clear, and inner-directed far more consistently because I was taking responsibility for what was appropriate for me to claim as my responsibility.
Ultimately, when I take responsibility for something that is not mine to take responsibility for, I can tell by how my body feels. I feel a burning and a tinge of anger—I watch for this somatic indication to signal when I might be inappropriately owning something that is someone else’s to own.
Colin Tipping writes beautifully about responsibility via the feeling of guilt. He teaches that appropriate guilt is feeling earned remorse for not taking responsibility for something I’m directly responsible for, and inappropriate guilt is where something happened where I had no part in the causation—and I’m therefore not entitled to take responsibility. Byron Katie also writes about the difference between when I am in someone else’s or god’s business—and no longer in my own. With my own business being the ONLY area in which I CAN take responsibility.
Knowing what is our responsibility versus what is not ours takes a sense of discernment and an awareness of functional boundaries—a topic I will touch on over the next weeks to come (and one that Pia Mellody nails in her book The Intimacy Factor).
From direct personal experience, I know that taking hyper-responsibility feels incredible. It also feels peaceful. The feedback that I have gotten is that people feel safer around me. I also notice that I won’t act out in blame as much. Yes, I still experience anger when there is a transgression made with my own boundaries (by myself or someone else). But I don’t feel as collapsed and impotent as being irresponsible had me feeling. The way responsibility was sold to us in the past was that somehow we as human beings don’t want to take responsibility. That somehow we aren’t built for it on an instinctual animal level. And of course why would we want to “own our stuff” when it’s thought to be a kind of arduous obligation, defined as a beleaguering ownership of something that may or may not be ours to begin with—often the ownership of which is demanded of us by a punishing and guilt-tripping parent, boss, or partner. It makes sense why so many of us have steered away from immediately saying “my bad”!
My own experience as a boss, as a friend, as a wife, a mom, etc., is that we-in-our-team generally live in a responsibility-taking climate. We are all very quick to say “woops,” or “sorry”(sorry for having created a consequence that was unpleasant, not sorry for LIVING, an important distinction to be made 😉 or “I did that, it wasn’t him.” We know and trust that we will be thanked for our responsibility-taking and that we will all move on very quickly and with good will. As it turns out, taking responsibility is a QUICK ACT. Something happens, I own my part (or they own their part, or both). We thank each other. Clean up whatever mess may need cleaning up. And we move on with a clean slate. Punishment-free. DONE! The other options of defensiveness, blame, attack, excuses, explanations, lying, power struggling, and the like, wreak so much havoc on trust and bonds (and finances when it get litigious!). Owning your part (more easily done when knowing you don’t live or work in a punitive climate) allows things to get cleaned up with great integrity, great love, and at a great speed. Everyone learns something or feels empowered for having set a boundary—and we move on. This all feels so humane to me…
Also, it’s worth noting that a sense of obligation or duty is not the same as responsibility. It might be semantics, because certainly “duty” or “honor” or even “obligation” can align us at times with our integrity. But at that point, isn’t it an empowered choice rather than a dragging-ass “have-to”?
In my quest, I began to—and continue to—take inventory of each of the primary areas of responsibility: financial, emotional, physical, spiritual (which, for me, includes responsibility for the earth), as well as an area that psychologist Margaret Paul brilliantly identified as organizational—taking responsibility for my own time and space management.
I can distill three distinct areas of responsibility that stood out for me throughout inventorying the above five:

    I am responsible for meeting my body’s needs. Caring for my own physical well-being enables me to continue to serve, to give, to love and be loved. I’m responsible for making sure I eat well, sleep enough, exercise, groom, seek help when I need it, go to the doctor, reach out to a therapist, a group, a friend, to decompress, offer TLC to myself, and otherwise ensure that I am available for the whole of life. I am also responsible for setting boundaries with my intellect, my feelings, and for being clear about what feels comfortable and safe physically and sexually. (I am aware of this inalienable right that many of us have on this earth, and yet one that so many are still not offered or granted in other cultures. See responsibility #3 for this…)

    I am responsible for speaking up and communicating respectfully and directly. When it comes to my relationship with my own needs, wants, feelings, or values for example, it’s essential that I know what they are so that I can ask for them to be met when that is appropriate, understanding that no one can read my mind, nor is anyone obligated to meet them—that their listening or meeting any of my needs is a gift to me. And I’m responsible for speaking up when there has been a violation of any of my own boundaries, as well as expressing gratitude and appreciation when there are kindnesses and generosities bestowed on me (aka, good manners and graciousness).  
Across the board—from the personal to the planetary—I am responsible for the messages I’m sending, whether something I articulate in words or an energy I’m transmitting through my thoughts, feelings, or physical gestures and body language. How and what I communicate has an impact on other people and, often, the planet. Being accountable for this impact is integral to my role as a part of our human family. And it is empowering to know and own this.

    I am responsible for that which I have been entrusted to take care of, for that which or whom I have committed myself to—firstly, my husband, my child, and my pets. I also take an active role in the well-being and healing journey of my extended family and friends, and I am responsible for the things and places I call “mine”—all that I am privileged to protect, nurture, and love. In a more macro-vocational way, I am—as part of a big planetary team—partly responsible for considering and caring for the wider world. The children, the animals, and people of the planet who are in need—we all beautifully rely on each other.
Responsibility-taking is SO alluring to me now because of how uplifted I feel while taking it. When it is appropriate, when it is my responsibility to claim and I do so, I feel empowered, grounded, rooted, home, volitional. There is a grace, an ease, a power, and a speed that comes along with it. (When it is not my responsibility, or I have over-extended beyond the part that is healthy and mine to own, I feel depleted and resentful—another reliable gauge for me.)
The victim mindset that can swoop in when I’m afraid to fully show up is greatly calmed by the following:
  1. Quickly investigating and feeling all the feelings that block me from my own responsibility-taking liberation. Often there are many to move through: shame, guilt, fear of being punished, fear of humiliation, fear of “losing,” and mistrust, among others. All valid and understandable feelings, but none of them worthy of holding me back in my life by not feeling them. Feeling them softens their hold on me.  And then…
  1. Venting and processing about that.  And then, inevitably…
  1. A return to empowerment.
The above process is predictable now, I rely on it. One leads to the other … then leads to the other.
Taking responsibility does NOT mean NOT feeling sadness, or disappointment, or GRIEF. Being an empowered human being absolutely leaves plenty of room to grieve the pain of having genuinely been a victim at various moments in my life—for certainly this is often, sadly and accurately, the case. These emotions of grief and sadness, etc. are emotions that come along with being human, living in a world of adorable and harrowing fallibility and vicissitudes. When I talk about responsibility-taking, I am speaking about foregoing the needless and circular SUFFERING that comes from buckling into victim consciousness—this is something beyond feeling these very natural feelings of sadness and loss.
Responsibility-taking at its best allows us to feel all our feelings about something (whether it is from a present circumstance or past ones), while also feeling empowered to move forward, set boundaries, communicate, and CARE our way into the life of deep alignment and greater peace.

Thank you, Alanis...
Love, Dja

Friday, July 17, 2015

Forgiveness - PerdĂŁo

Alanis Morissette on Forgiveness

Forgiveness isn't a debt, nor is it a duty. Forgiveness isn't a merit nor is it gratitude.
It isn't a service, nor is it charity. Forgiveness isn't found, nor is it withheld...
-Dja Pierce

O perdão não é uma dívida, nem é um dever. O perdão não é um mérito, também não é gratidão.
Ele não é um serviço e tão pouco uma caridade. O perdão não é encontrado, e nem retido...
-Dja Pierce

Love, Dja

Thursday, July 16, 2015

O Que VocĂȘ Faria? - What Would You Do?





Meu amor
O que vocĂȘ faria se sĂł te restasse um dia?
Se o mundo fosse acabar
Me diz, o que vocĂȘ faria?

Ia manter sua agenda
De almoço, hora, apatia?
Ou esperar os seus amigos
Na sua sala vazia?

Meu amor
O que vocĂȘ faria se sĂł te restasse esse dia?
Se o mundo fosse acabar
Me diz, o que vocĂȘ faria?

Corria prum shopping center
Ou para uma academia?
Pra se esquecer que nĂŁo dĂĄ tempo
Pro tempo que jĂĄ se perdia?

Meu amor
O que vocĂȘ faria se sĂł te restasse esse dia?
Se o mundo fosse acabar
Me diz, o que vocĂȘ faria?


Andava pelado na chuva?
Corria no meio da rua?
Entrava de roupa no mar?
Trepava sem camisinha?

Meu amor
O que vocĂȘ faria?
O que vocĂȘ faria?

Abria a porta do hospĂ­cio?
Trancava a da delegacia?
Dinamitava o meu carro?
Parava o trĂĄfego e ria?

Meu amor
O que vocĂȘ faria se sĂł te restasse esse dia?
Se o mundo fosse acabar
Me diz, o que vocĂȘ faria?
Me diz o que vocĂȘ faria? 


Love, Dja

Friday, May 15, 2015

Ela Desaparece - She Disappears

Tudo Em Mim Desaparece Na Dança...
Com Amor,
Dja Putin

Descrente E Ainda Assim Feliz - Hopeless And Yet Happy

O Universo Na Cabeça Do Alfinete


Pequeno e ainda assim imenso
Calado e ainda assim intenso
Pesado e ainda assim flutua
Veneno e ainda assim me cura
Quando um sentimento fica assim fora de si
Coração perde a cabeça e o juízo voa
O universo na cabeça do alfinete
Tudo brilha diferente no olho da pessoa
Tudo brilha diferente no olho da pessoa
Parado e ainda assim ligeiro
Inteiro e ainda assim partido
DoĂ­do e ainda assim contente
Descrente e ainda assim feliz
Quando um sentimento fica assim fora de si
Coração perde a cabeça e o juízo voa
O universo na cabeça do alfinete
Tudo brilha diferente no olho da pessoa
Tudo brilha diferente no olho da pessoa

VĂĄlvula Do Que Escondemos

Tingido de cortes pequenos,
A pele que escurece 
 Debaixo do sol ardente
 De doçuras,
Contemplamos os extremos...
Entre o cĂ©u azul de amarguras e 
O subterrĂąneo que esquecemos...
Partido por dores e
Junto a sorrisos serenos,
O vasto espaço que 
Abriga a tese,
~A distĂąncia que nĂŁo impede
Nem altera a presença indignada.
A tranquila chegada e
A leve marcha que dançaremos...~
O produto dos meus impulsos,
Diurno e noturnos afagos
Que trocaremos...
Uma vez ou, 
Mais de uma prece que, 
Pronunciou seus atos,
Qnde apenas o vazio
~Se procuro por meus laços,
Se encontrasse o vĂĄcuo,
De mera ternura esqueçemos,
 Quando nĂŁo enlouquecemos.~
Aqueles que passam por mim,
Os que passam seu tempo 
Sem se diminuir,
Fazem de perder a cura,
Se a cura for
O que nĂŁo fazemos.
Parte do que de pronto sou,
~Um tonto ou o que chove
quando amo,
Com Ou Sem O Impulso Do MĂșsculo,
Que o coração busca bater,

Com Amor,
Djanine Putin
Setembro 30 De 2022 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

One Drop - Uma Gota

Win a Beautiful Day in Montreal with U2!

Want to win a trip for 2 to Montreal to meet U2 backstage? You’ll get VIP tickets to their concert and also get an exclusive tour of the Cirque du Soleil creative studios!
It’s going to be an awesome, unique experience and it could be yours if you join them in supporting One Drop in their efforts to make safe water and sanitation accessible to all!
But we’ll let Bono himself tell you more! Watch his video message below and go to for your chance to win!

Love, Dja

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Stuff - Coisas

Surprising Statistics That Reveal How Much Stuff We Actually Own

Most of us know we own too much stuff. We feel the weight and burden of our clutter. We tire of cleaning and managing and organizing. Our toy rooms are messy, our drawers don’t close, and our closets are filled from top to bottom. The evidence of clutter is all around us.
Today, increasing data is being collected about our homes, our shopping habits, and our spending. The research is confirming our observation: we own too much stuff. And it is robbing us of life.
Here are 21 surprising statistics about our clutter that help us understand how big of a problem our accumulation has actually become.

1. There are 300,000 items in the average American home (LA Times).
2. The average size of the American home has nearly tripled in size over the past 50 years (NPR).
3. And still, 1 out of every 10 Americans rent offsite storage—the fastest growing segment of the commercial real estate industry over the past four decades. (New York Times Magazine).
4. While 25% of people with two-car garages don’t have room to park cars inside them and 32% only have room for one vehicle. (U.S. Department of Energy).
5. The United States has upward of 50,000 storage facilities, more than five times the number of Starbucks. Currently, there is 7.3 square feet of self storage space for every man, woman and child in the nation. Thus, it is physically possible that every American could stand—all at the same time—under the total canopy of self storage roofing (SSA).
6. British research found that the average 10-year-old owns 238 toys but plays with just 12 daily (The Telegraph).
7. 3.1% of the world’s children live in America, but they own 40% of the toys consumed globally (UCLA).
8. The average American woman owns 30 outfits—one for every day of the month. In 1930, that figure was nine (Forbes).
9. The average American family spends $1,700 on clothes annually (Forbes).
10. While the average American throws away 65 pounds of clothing per year (Huffington Post).
11. Nearly half of American households don’t save any money (Business Insider).
12. But our homes have more television sets than people. And those television sets are turned on for more than a third of the day—eight hours, 14 minutes (USA Today).
13. Some reports indicate we consume twice as many material goods today as we did 50 years ago (The Story of Stuff).
14. Currently, the 12 percent of the world’s population that lives in North America and Western Europe account for 60 percent of private consumption spending, while the one-third living in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa accounts for only 3.2 percent (Worldwatch Institute).
15. Americans donate 1.9% of their income to charitable causes (NCCS/IRS). While 6 billion people worldwide live on less than $13,000/year (National Geographic).
16. Americans spend more on shoes, jewelry, and watches ($100 billion) than on higher education (Psychology Today).
17. Shopping malls outnumber high schools. And 93% of teenage girls rank shopping as their favorite past time (Affluenza).
18. Women will spend more than eight years of their lives shopping (The Daily Mail).
19. Over the course of our lifetime, we will spend a total of 3,680 hours or 153 days searching for misplaced items.The research found we lose up to nine items every day—or 198,743 in a lifetime. Phones, keys, sunglasses, and paperwork top the list (The Daily Mail).
20. Americans spend $1.2 trillion annually on goods and services on nonessential goods—in other words, items they do not need (The Wall Street Journal).
21. The $8 billion home organization industry has more than doubled in size since the early 2000’s—growing at a staggering rate of 10% each year (Uppercase).

The numbers paint a jarring picture of excessive consumption and unnecessary accumulation. Fortunately, the solution is not difficult. The invitation to own less is an invitation to freedom, intentionality, and passion. And it can be discovered at your nearest drop-off center.

 By J

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Solutions - SoluçÔes

The Story of Solutions

 A HistĂłria Das SoluçÔes


Love, Dja

Flow - Fluir

-Some Times It´s Easier To Call Jesus Directly- 
It keeps moving, it's the flow. It won't wait for my second guesses. It won't stop for a minute to wonder. It is committed to moving, creating...
My comforts have many versions, and the flow will only see one truth.
My auto-pilot is blind, my senses shutdown and communication is only symbolic. The flow is flowing through what I thought I was, my cracks filled with what I can't describe... It gently guides me to embrace my unlabeled self.
No bargains nor infinite debts, no deals of silencing secrets kept prisoners in a present past. The flow won't betray. It is interested in the essence I overlook while I'm distracted trying to follow the processes of how I came to be... 

Why would I continue to foster the pain of not knowing how to stop hurting? Where is the shutoff switch? Out here, it only makes sense once is over. Out here there are provisions and conditions. I too can't forget the rules even when I give my best. Do we not deserve because we owe, or do we owe because we're not deserving? So the gambling goes on... 

The flow answers saying everything is Love or is asking for it. 
Then I'm back where I started; -Untamed, Unrestricted. Loved...

However briefly, Loved...

-Dja Putin

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Adopting Qualities - Adotando Qualidades

Do not be jealous of others' good qualities, but out of admiration adop them yourself.

 Love, Dja

Photo:Tom Chambers

Friday, April 3, 2015

Na Cruz E Livre - On The Cross And Free


Viemos girando
do Nada, espalhando estrelas como pĂł.
As estrelas puseram-se em cĂ­rculo
e nós ao centro dançamos com elas.
Como a pedra do moinho,
em torno de Deus
gira a roda do céu.

Girando e girando
essa roda dissolve todo e qualquer apego.
- Não estivesse apaixonada, ela mesma gritaria - BASTA! até quando hå de seguir esse giro
Cada ĂĄtomo gira desnorteado, mendigos circulam entre as mesas,
cães rondam um pedaço de carne,
o amante gira em torno
de seu próprio coração.

Envergonhada diante de tanta beleza,
giro ao redor de minha vergonha.

Ouve a mĂșsica do Sama.
Vem unir-te ao som dos tambores!
Aqui celebramos.
Somos todos a verdade!

Em ĂȘxtase estamos.
Embriagados, sim, mas de um vinho que nĂŁo se colhe na videira;
O que quer que pensem de nĂłs em nada parecerĂĄ ao que somos.
Giramos e giramos em ĂȘxtase.
esta Ă© a noite do Sama
HĂĄ luz agora - Luz! Luz!

Eis o Amor verdadeiro
Que diz Ă  mente adeus.
Este Ă© o dia do adeus.
- Adeus! Adeus!

Todo coração que arde
nesta noite
Ă© amigo da mĂșsica.

Ardendo por teus lĂĄbios
meu coração
transborda de minha boca.

És feito de pensamento, afeto e paixão.
O que sobra é nada além de carne e ossos.

Por que nos falam de templos de oração, de atos piedosos
Somos o caçador e a caça,
outono e primavera, noite e dia,
o VisĂ­vel e o InvisĂ­vel
Somos o tesouro do espĂ­rito.
Somos a alma do mundo,
livres do peso que vergasta o corpo.
Prisioneiros não somos do tempo nem do espaço
nem mesmo da terra que pisamos.
No amor fomos gerados,
No amor nascemos.

-Dja Putin

Sunday, March 15, 2015

A Boa Nova - The Good News

NĂŁo hĂĄ nada de novo debaixo das estrelas...

A ocasião se repete como acontece por éons. Nenhuma festa serå celebrada aqui, e nenhuma taça de vinho serå erguida.

Saboreiem a Boa Nova no embalo da canção que vocĂȘs quiserem, nĂŁo estaremos dando boas vindas a nenhum acaso...

NĂŁo se avexe e nem chegue tarde.

Enquanto estais a erguer o teu castelo de areia o meu jĂĄ foi derrubado.

Deste lado, todos sabem do dedo que aponta para quem, na tua consciĂȘncia, agrediu tuas ilusĂ”es. PorĂ©m aqui, tuas ilusĂ”es sĂŁo apenas isso, ilusĂ”es que apodrecem sem nunca amadurecer.

Que nĂŁo apodreçam trĂȘs onde renasceram quatro.

Perdoe o meu FrançĂȘs, pois estou cançada de pedir que me deixem ir em paz, para que eu nĂŁo pertube a missĂŁo de luz, da tua Pequena Alma tĂŁo desesperada em encontrar uma Amiga que a faça horrores que perdoar.

NĂŁo, eu ainda nĂŁo o havia feito, mas isso pode ser providenciado imediatamente...

Posso, em pleno gozo (*de crianças) de minhas faculdades mentais e trinta e seis anos amadurecidas, por escolha, dar-te uma lista que perdoar, se assim tanto o desejas.

VocĂȘ nĂŁo faz idĂ©ia da mĂŁe que tive, uma das heranças que me Ă© presenteada, quando a aceito, Ă© a capacidade maternal de negar milagres... A mesma que aprendeste e hoje compartilhas em dissonĂąncia com a tua encubadora.

E eu ainda nĂŁo sei o que Ă© melhor, se o meu amor condenado ou a tua obssessĂŁo com o "perdĂŁo"...

PerdĂŁo nĂŁo Ă© dĂ­vida, Ă© dĂĄdiva. Quem Ă© que deve perdoar quem?

Sempre fui muito mais livre no papel designado pelas alucinaçÔes coletivas, do que quando quis eu, os proteger...

Jamais, o voltarei a fazer... Jamais estarei por entre a ti e a tua conveniente primavera...

Aqui, onde aprendo a ser Americana, a primavera Ă© em Março, e agora podes ver claramente onde começa o recomeço, vĂȘs?

Um dia, quem sabe, apresento-me a ti e verĂĄs que nunca antes me conhecias...

-Dja Putin Stalin

Friday, March 13, 2015

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin´s Pornography - A Pornografia de Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

I had a very distinctive war weapon. It kept me very occupied and unconcerned with the troubles of ´men-hood´.
In China we keep everything very discrete.
Our delicate and sensitive approach to life, specifically the lives of men, made us extremely proficient. Experts in the Art of orgasms...
Our Services Are Highly Recommended By Our Clients Themselves And Those Who Can´t Afford Our Specialties Will Find Themselves Attempting To "Recreate" The Experience And Sell It On The ´Deep Web´. Piracy eventually got inspired by the Asian Flavors and kept a secret path to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin´s Oasis, welcoming those ostracized by the VIP gate keepers. Those rejected by their lack of attractive attributes, lack of money, lack of experience, lack of self-control, lack of scruples, lack of entertainment and distractions, lack of affection, lack of access to the pool of orgies liquified, lack of spirit, lack of confidence, lack of a muse for infatuation and ever more those haunted by the pain of a lack that they can never describe. Those wondering under sea, in space, those fasting in search for a fulfillment within... I took pleasure in providing my husband with the emptiness of his desires.
I engaged all my guns with the hunger to be possessed by an icon. An idol sculpted by his most daring fantasies. Everything that money could buy and I made them all feel empowered, important, abandoned and useful at the same time...
I was generous to his needs and embracing of any shame or uncomfortable feeling they might feel in order to accommodate a world growing bigger and devoid of meaning.
I had children of my own and raised them facing another direction. Another world less visited, hidden, unexplored and untouched by lust...
A word that my husband never knew that existed...
He forgot how to find me and I forgot to make a map.
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is born a man and his ambitions are different from mine. As a woman I had other interests, even though I could still function as the best and most expensive Artificial "love making" of mankind...
I run the "facility" in the shadows of your souls and there is absolutely nothing about his fucks that I didn't allow and crafted exclusively for him, no orgasm that I don´t know of or that he can keep from me...
Djanine Assunção Tavares Queiroz Putin Stalin Hitler Lee

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Friedrich Nietzsche

At some point in my adolescence, I carefully considered my uneventful options for having a good life. Soon after concluding it couldn't possibly be a good one, I met Friedrich Nietzsche.
-Dja Putin Stalin

~Hunting High And Low~
(Title Of An A-Ha Song)

What did Nietzsche search for when he entered the room that you were in?

He searched for light.

What does that mean?

I don’t really know. I wonder that myself.

Was it dark?

It was empty. It was void of anything that I understand.

Did he find light?

I am not Nietzsche. I didn´t know nor did I understand light.

How do you know what he was searching for?

My mind was placed at the same ‘space’ as his or vice-versa.

Did he understand what he was searching for?

I felt that he did but I don’t know…

How many times did ‘he’ do that?

Several times, I didn’t count. I was too young and immature to explain it to myself what was going on on an intellectual ‘level’. It was empty of influence, it was obvious and yet ambiguous at the same time. I didn’t have to think. I ‘knew’, as a sensation between my stomach and belly button, what he was communicating. It was not known to me whom he was at the first times he visited, only later I concluded that it was ‘him’…

Later when?

When I heard stories…

By whom?

Many different people. In particular my papa, Austro Queiroz. His presence was very similar to Nietzsche’s. When I met Austro Queiroz it was like meeting Nietzsche in person, I thought then.

Did you tell Austro that?

No. However, he knew most of my thoughts.

How come?

I never felt the need to hide from nor avoid him, except for the few minutes before he talked to me on the day that we met.


I was “at war” with the occasion. Perhaps, resenting it. I suspect that he knew that then, even before I said a word. He is very astute and sensitive. I had a moment of resistance to his slow approach to me but I was disarmed by his genuine smile and clear knowledge of what I was thinking. It never intimidated me but I was somewhat upset at first when I realized that we could communicate telepathically. I didn’t want to share my thoughts with ‘something’ I just met in person. Before that, I only could hear it by myself. I was annoyed for sure but, it was like we had the same mind. So, it made no sense to be “at war” with that fact and what seemed to be at war with myself, then. My mind was suddenly ‘paired with an understanding’ that I was getting used to from then on…

Was it love at first sight?

With Nietzsche or Austro Queiroz?



No love at all?

I may not have the ability to compare what it is to what I’ve learned to be love. It can’t be touched. I don’t fully comprehend the origin, the process, the extent nor the source of it’s life… Some may call it “Love”, “God”, “Peace” – The truth to me is very simple; I Just Do Not Know…

You know more than you say that you do.

I know, beyond any shadow of doubt, that his mind is integrated to mine in a very peculiar way. I just do not avoid it anymore.

Why did you avoid it before?

He was not willing to expose me to the speculations it has caused and I wasn’t ready to expose myself and the people I care about to the scrutinizing that this ‘inspires’ under the ‘care’ of people that feel threatened by it. It is to both of us something very natural. It was never forced nor crafted to fit any labels. It simply is an experience that I have accepted, a long time ago, as a part of whom I am. That is it!

Who are you?

If you don’t know whom I am, you don’t know whom you are. That leaves no room for you in my life… It is best for both of us to ‘part’ now and for eternity. Forever...

September 15th 2022

Djanine Putin

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Silence After The Tempest - O SilĂȘncio Depois Da Tempestade

So I've missed you, your penetrating truth, your loud silence... I've missed your inconvenient transparency, the smile right before the jump, your invitations to search for my beautiful madness... I've missed your peculiar sadness, underneath your tender loving nature, for it is a reminder that we won't be here forever. I've missed the poetry in your passion for unspoken perspectives, the excluded cultures, the uninvited presence... I've missed your music, the lyrics in the movements of your soul dancing with the words. I've missed your eyes, your unapologetic vision, your gifted sight.
Make yourself at home, here, from where you never really left... Tune into our ancient temple, dwell in my confusion and out of it, for I know you came to stay...

-Dja Putin

"Aprenda a confiar no que estĂĄ acontecendo.
Se hĂĄ silĂȘncio, deixa-o aumentar, algo surgirĂĄ.
Se hĂĄ tempestade, deixa-a rugir, se acalmarĂĄ."
---- Lao Tsé

Monday, February 23, 2015

All The Little Things - Todas As Pequenas Coisas

"We're expected to put up with many things as if our lives experiences are a sort of game or competition, where the person who has it the worst wins the right to complain and everybody else has to just put up or shut up"
Love, Dja

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Beyond The Surface - Além Da Superfície

Fifty Shades Of Grey - Cinquenta Tons De Cinza

P.S. EU NÃO SOU GAY - Apenas não sinto nenhuma ameaça quanto a orientação sexual das pessoas. Isso é problema ou solução, DELAS.
Porém, NÃO venham querer desafiar a minha monogamia e heterosexualidade. Respeite a minha orientação sexual tanto quanto eu respeito e celebro a sua.
Djanine Putin



Love, Dja Putin