Alquimia Do Amor Antigo... Estamos 'trans-formando' para o encontro e reconhecimento com esse Amor ou nos distanciando dele? Alchemy Ancient Love... Are we 'trans-forming' to move towards recognizing this love, or distancing ourselves from it?
Sunday, January 24, 2021
Thursday, January 7, 2021
Passaros - Birds
Making me choke on my thoughts, when I´m not choking on other things.
I researched the medical acusation you labeled me as. I wanted to know what it was like to ´be´ something I never was, Professionally.
I liked it. It sounded like a great archetype to perform. You know?
I never intended to frustrate your expectations. Partially.
If I´m accused of something I am NOT, constantly, I might as well be it and accumulate ´College Credits´!!! So Sweet!!
Understand? You better get with it.
I learn something while you stay limited and ignorant. All Winnings FOR ME!
Would you like a cup of tea to go with your arrogance? Careful not to choke on it!
Djanine Putin Stalin
(Written On May 3rd 2022)
Desejo - Desire
Love, Dja Putin