Thursday, March 29, 2018

Frevo Eclético - Eclectic Frevo

Que O Senhor Goze Do Que Quiser e Para Sempre, Muito Obrigada...

Frevo Nordestino influenciado por um sutil "ar Árabe" que me encanta....
Com Amor, Dja

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Caranguejo - Crab

“I release my parents from the feeling that they have already failed me.
I release my children from the need to bring pride to me; that they may write their own ways according to their hearts, that whisper all the time in their ears.
I release my partner from the obligation to complete myself. I do not lack anything, I learn with all beings all the time.
I thank my grandparents and forefathers who have gathered so that I can breathe life today. I release them from past failures and unfulfilled desires, aware that they have done their best to resolve their situations within the consciousness they had at that moment. I honor you, I love you and I recognize you as innocent.
I am transparent before your eyes, so they know that I do not hide or owe anything other than being true to myself and to my very existence, that walking with the wisdom of the heart, I am aware that I fulfill my life project, free from invisible and visible family loyalties that might disturb my Peace and Happiness, which are my only responsibilities.
I renounce the role of savior, of being one who unites or fulfills the expectations of others.
Learning through, and only through, LOVE, I bless my essence, my way of expressing, even though somebody may not understand me.
I understand myself, because I alone have lived and experienced my history; because I know myself, I know who I am, what I feel, what I do and why I do it.
I respect and approve myself.
I honor the Divinity in me and in you.
We are free."
(This ancient blessing was created in the Nahuatl language, spoken in Mexico. It deals with forgiveness, affection, detachment and liberation).
Via Jolenny Piedra

Love, Dja

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Sing - Cante

(Falando de Flores)
"Caminhando e cantando e seguindo a canção, somos todos iguais braços dados ou não"

Love, Dja

~The Simulation We Performed Wasn't Without Painful Consequences. When We Pretend To Be Someone Else Out Of Admiration And Respect, The Out Come Is Often One Of Gratitude For The Opportunity To Celebrate Our Own Shared Realities.~
When We Do That So That We Can Prove To Ourselves That We Are Separated From That Humanity Within Ourselves, Therefore Neither The Character Nor Do We Exist, Is The Evidence Of A Lack Of Humanity Itself. No Point To Live Along Side Humans, For You Refuse To Acknowledge Love. You Fail To Feel Basic Feelings For A Character That Supposedly Is You, Yourself. Remorse, Compassion, Joy, Jubilation, Contentment For The Privilege To Do So, None Of It Can Reach Your Soul Because You Gave Up On Having Compassion For Yourself. The Self You Were Born With. ~The Self You Reject At Every Awaking Moment... You Killed It To Replace It With A False Self, One You Thought Was 'Safer' To Keep - Hide The Forgery With All The Mighty That Your Dead Self Will Provide To It's Fake Existence...~
At Some Point, Like Decayed Flesh, Smelling Like Fried Gunpowder On Burnt Hair, Covered In The Mildew Of Every Thought You Ever Had And Is On The Making...
...You Search For Anything That Remains True To A Consciousness Completely Empty Of Relations. Truth Becomes The Most Scary 'Monster' In The Depths Of A Shadow That Refuses To Move... The Main Object, The Self That Can Neither Love As A Character Nor Can It Love As Itself...
~You Fell In Love With The Horror Of Your Dead Creations... The Silence Of Your Criterias And Parameters Will Never PayOff... It Is Simply NOT Worth It To Me, Your Character MUST Know That... TODAY...~

Djanine Assunção Tavares Queiroz Putin Stalin Hitler Lee Jinping Jong-Un
October 9th 2022

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

O Show Que "Nunca Foi" - The Show That "Never Was"

Lukas Bono Rick Assunção Tavares Elisha Davis Putin 
Date: August 16th 3016
Short Bio
It comes as a full circle, guided by life’s great spiral to Portland, OR participating in this event/project, along with these talented and kind musicians who are planning, organizing, rehearsing and playing it with me in this event. My heart sings a loud thanks to you!
Here, I have found a home as an American, and I'm so touched for having the opportunity to honor my beginnings...

            Chico Science - apart from sharing the same mud backyard growing up, he symbolically represents that connection with my culture (Northeastern of Brazil in Olinda/Recife Pernambuco) and everything that essentially makes me who I am, viscerally.
In his songs, he was able to unify cultural traditional Maracatu with the creation of a new and genuine Pernambuco rock, using many of our traditional and local musical sounds. His transcending lyrics make references to the struggles of our people - which is also my own struggle, and offer voice, empowerment and ideas to go about creating a more ethical and just society. Singing his songs reminds me to not take privilege for granted and to give back not only "food and water" but also essence and Art - what he would have me do...

            I'm also immensely thankful for my uncle José Assunção, also known as Nininho (Founder of Maracatu Badia), for dedicating his entire life to Music, in particular Maracatu. Taking our culture and sound around the world, teaching workshops and promoting our ancestors greatest gifts - Love, Resilience and Art. It eventually brought him to Portland, OR and he introduced me to this great Maracatu-PDX community dedicated to sharing it further.
As a Northeastern Brazilian, I almost immediately welcomed them all into my life as a second family, one that I've longed to have for almost 20 years since moving to the U.S. All of my band mates and the incredible team of four; Steven Schob, Tara Deodhar, Dianna Ramirez and Beto Guimarães, have guided and inspired me to explore my musical talents and to celebrate my culture freely and proudly in this amazing city! To them all I'm humbly grateful, truly...

            Furthermore, I would like to thank my nuclear and extended family for the love and support in my journey, musically or otherwise - I couldn't have done any of it without them. Finally, to the source of all life and creativity for all the gifts granted, I'm aware...

Much Love,
Dja Putin

Social Media handles
FB - is currently the only social media I formally use. 
There you can tag me as ~Dja Putin~ by simply using the "backspace" key on your keyboard to remove the name "Other Name" from the tag.

Stage plot
I don't know how many players will be playing with me and I don't know if it applies to me.
If so, I would like both the Brazilian and Pernambuco flags along with a picture of Chico Science in the middle on the board.

Instruments you would like/need backlined
I'll bring the Alfaia that I'm using. 

Ideally I would like it to be around 8:00pm - but whatever you think is best works. I plan on being there before the event begins. 

Time you can be there on the day of the performance.
I'll try to be there by 5pm.

Got it!

Spread the word!
Will do! (:

Hugs, Dja❤
(P.S. Demo In Hands!)
Love, Dja

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Passando Por Uma Morte - Passing By One Death

Canto Para A Minha Morte

Eu sei que determinada rua que eu já passei
Não tornará a ouvir o som dos meus passos.
Tem uma revista que eu guardo há muitos anos
E que nunca mais eu vou abrir.
Cada vez que eu me despeço de uma pessoa
Pode ser que essa pessoa esteja me vendo pela última vez
A morte, surda, caminha ao meu lado
E eu não sei em que esquina ela vai me beijar

Com que rosto ela virá?
Será que ela vai deixar eu acabar o que eu tenho que fazer?
Ou será que ela vai me pegar no meio do copo de uísque?
Na música que eu deixei para compor amanhã?
Será que ela vai esperar eu apagar o cigarro no cinzeiro?
Virá antes de eu encontrar a mulher, a mulher que me foi destinada,
E que está em algum lugar me esperando
Embora eu ainda não a conheça?

Vou te encontrar vestida de cetim,
Pois em qualquer lugar esperas só por mim
E no teu beijo provar o gosto estranho
Que eu quero e não desejo,mas tenho que encontrar
Vem, mas demore a chegar.
Eu te detesto e amo morte, morte, morte
Que talvez seja o segredo desta vida
Morte, morte, morte que talvez seja o segredo desta vida

Qual será a forma da minha morte?
Uma das tantas coisas que eu não escolhi na vida.
Existem tantas... Um acidente de carro.
O coração que se recusa abater no próximo minuto,
A anestesia mal aplicada,
A vida mal vivida, a ferida mal curada, a dor já envelhecida
O câncer já espalhado e ainda escondido, ou até, quem sabe,
Um escorregão idiota, num dia de sol, a cabeça no meio-fio...

Oh morte, tu que és tão forte,
Que matas o gato, o rato e o homem.
Vista-se com a tua mais bela roupa quando vieres me buscar
Que meu corpo seja cremado e que minhas cinzas alimentem a erva
E que a erva alimente outro homem como eu
Porque eu continuarei neste homem,
Nos meus filhos, na palavra rude
Que eu disse para alguém que não gostava
E até no uísque que eu não terminei de beber aquela noite...

Vou te encontrar vestida de cetim,
Pois em qualquer lugar esperas só por mim
E no teu beijo provar o gosto estranho que eu quero e não desejo,mas tenho que encontrar
Vem, mas demore a chegar.
Eu te detesto e amo morte, morte, morte
Que talvez seja o segredo desta vida
Morte, morte, morte que talvez seja o segredo desta vida

By Raul Seixas