Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Memórias - Memories

Understanding Soul Contracts: Agreements We Made Before Coming To Earth

Before we are born we are asked just one question by our soul family. “What is it you would like to learn this lifetime?” It is then, in our answer, that soul contracts are formed.
If we wish to learn patience, we will not ask to be surrounded by Zen Masters, but rather people (siblings for example) who will push our buttons and annoy us to the ends of the earth.
If we wish to learn love, we will be shown hate, and no matter the lesson, we ask that the opposite be brought to us for example, if self confidence is chosen, then friends in disguise will come and step on us.
It is within this very principle that all soul contracts are based, for it is only in being stepped on that we have no choice but to learn to STAND UP for ourselves.
Self development can be a deeply painful process that by nature requires us to be scrubbed. It is in the repetitive scrubbing of a diamond that it gains its sparkle and we are no different.
There are two kinds of pain, learning pain and abusive pain. While the latter serves little to no purpose, the former is fundamental to our growth as human beings.
Other than beginner’s luck, which (in my opinion) is the universes way of showing us that we can achieve a high level of success, with of course, practice; the first step to growth is being knocked off balance.
We get removed from center by ‘x’ amount which is directly proportionate to how much we have chosen to learn. It is through learning and growth that we come back to our center with the tools that were required to bring ourselves home.
The flip side of our return to balance is expressed directly as growth.
The universe in its infinite love for us will continue to send us lessons, and one of the most frustrating truths to accept is as follows: ‘Wow, you learned a lesson, you overcame a problem?
Congratulations, here is your reward… ANOTHER problem.’ Each time we show the universe that we can take the heat, life becomes a little hotter! It is simply one of the painful aspects to this path of learning, yet it is beautiful because of the growth we experience from it.
The main thing to remember here (going full circle) is that it is our friends who come to teach us these lessons. It is our soul friends who (by our consent) hurt us, our friends who betray us and our friends who give us our opportunities to learn.
In order for these experiences to seem real, we naturally forget that they are our friends when we cross over the river of forgetfulness (birth). If you would rather be happy than right, just pretend that they love you, it will definitely change your perspective!

by Gostica

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Djanindica - Indiga

Cannabis indica in homeopathy

Cannabis indica is a homeopathic remedy that acts upon the emotions and the mind. There are two distinctive personalities that respond successfully to Cannabis indica. One of these is more artistic and the other is more intellectual.

Those who are artistic seem to be forever “high”, floating about in a trance-like state. If they wake up at night, they feel like they are having an out of body experience – their “spirit” has come away from their body.
They want to move their legs but can’t do so. This supposed state of levitation makes them feel terrified – they have a fear of death, but especially fear losing their mind. This type of fear disappears after a short while.
They have a distorted view of space and time. Time seems to move very slowly and small distances can seem like miles and miles.
Their sensory perception is exaggerated and intense.
Cannabis: a lazy, confused mind
Their lazy, confused mind makes them incompetent at work – they don’t think twice about leaving their job if they are unsatisfied or have simply lost interest.
Indica people are joyful and extremely happy, as nothing seems to worry them. They constantly laugh, even when the subject matter is serious – they can laugh and cry at the same time.
The other personality type is either more intellectual or a bit of a freak – they are the complete opposite of the first personality type. If Cannabis indica individuals lose control of their things, they become anxious.
They have the same out of body sensations, but only in their limbs. Obsessiveness and a fear of losing their mind always feature in their subconscious mind.
Cannabis indica: intelligent people
These people are mentally agile and intelligent, they have their own ideas but their reasoning is nonsensical – they construct their own theories that have nothing to do with reality.
These people are cultured and have opinions on many topics, but their ideas are unfounded and have neither head nor tail.
They are great speakers but are unable to pinpoint their ideas, as they see things from many different perspectives and reason by overthinking, delving into each topic and trying to link concepts together.
Cannabis indica: they talk and talk…
To summarise, they talk and talk, presenting different theories and explanations that contradict each other and have no logical conclusion.
They are critical of, and defy, everything. They always want to know why and are very complex, as there needs to be a reason behind each decision and each decision has to be within their control.
Being in control is very important to this subject. This behaviour leads Cannabis to unhappiness and the belief that they are losing their mind.
They have strong sexual desires and in some cases, these are so intense that they need to resort to masturbation if they have no intimate company.
They are very thirsty and feel better with rest and being outdoors.

by, Homeopathy Information

Love, Dja

Os Índigos hoje são adultos, que chegaram a Terra com uma vibração mais elevada, vieram mais acordados para os mistérios do mundo e sua conexão espiritual e há também os que através de estudos e expansão da consciência elevaram sua vibração.
São questionadores, gostam muito de ler e conversar de assuntos relacionados a espiritualidade, buscam o conhecimento seja de forma interna se conectando ao seu Eu Superior ou em livros, sites, trocas de experiências com seus iguais.
Estão sempre se conectando ao mundo espiritual, para alguns essa ligação é direta, conversam com seres espirituais como se conversassem com uma pessoa encarnada, outros buscam através da meditação e outras praticas reconectivas essa ligação.
O que mais diferencia o índigo das pessoas “comuns” é a conexão espiritual e sua Luz própria. Tem outras características como : sensibilidade, são empatas (sentem a energia de ambientes e pessoas), tem uma visão mais ampliada, por isso a maioria é espiritualista, busca a liberdade de ser e pensar, gostam de tudo ligado a energias,  cura pela natureza, ensinamentos esotéricos (aquilo que é oculto), músicas que traga paz interior, mantras, práticas de yoga, reiki…
Não veem sentido nesse mundo em que estamos, que predomina as baixas vibrações como ego, raiva, competitividade, ganancia, falta de amor a si mesmo e ao próximo, materialismo desenfreado, por isso sentem uma angustia constante e agitação em seu ser.
Preferem viver de uma forma mais simples de preferência que tenha contato com a natureza, plantas, terra, água corrente, animais, pois traz calma e tranquilidade.
Hoje está mais fácil ser um índigo, pois temos informações e a elevação da vibração do planeta, fez com que mais e mais pessoas acordassem e se conectassem a essa energia. Há mais pessoas na busca espiritual e de seu autoconhecimento. Não se sentem mais como os excluídos da sociedade, pois vieram para trazer o novo a Terra e viver nos velhos padrões não faz sentido.
Bem vindo a Nova Era e as novas realidades.
Não sabe do que estamos falando ou quer conhecer mais profundamente?
Vem para a Roda do Arco Íris: promovendo um Novo Mundo!
Silmara Hornink

Forças Crísticas - Christ's Energy

Com Amor, Dja