Sunday, March 15, 2015

A Boa Nova - The Good News

Não há nada de novo debaixo das estrelas...

A ocasião se repete como acontece por éons. Nenhuma festa será celebrada aqui, e nenhuma taça de vinho será erguida.

Saboreiem a Boa Nova no embalo da canção que vocês quiserem, não estaremos dando boas vindas a nenhum acaso...

Não se avexe e nem chegue tarde.

Enquanto estais a erguer o teu castelo de areia o meu já foi derrubado.

Deste lado, todos sabem do dedo que aponta para quem, na tua consciência, agrediu tuas ilusões. Porém aqui, tuas ilusões são apenas isso, ilusões que apodrecem sem nunca amadurecer.

Que não apodreçam três onde renasceram quatro.

Perdoe o meu Françês, pois estou cançada de pedir que me deixem ir em paz, para que eu não pertube a missão de luz, da tua Pequena Alma tão desesperada em encontrar uma Amiga que a faça horrores que perdoar.

Não, eu ainda não o havia feito, mas isso pode ser providenciado imediatamente...

Posso, em pleno gozo (*de crianças) de minhas faculdades mentais e trinta e seis anos amadurecidas, por escolha, dar-te uma lista que perdoar, se assim tanto o desejas.

Você não faz idéia da mãe que tive, uma das heranças que me é presenteada, quando a aceito, é a capacidade maternal de negar milagres... A mesma que aprendeste e hoje compartilhas em dissonância com a tua encubadora.

E eu ainda não sei o que é melhor, se o meu amor condenado ou a tua obssessão com o "perdão"...

Perdão não é dívida, é dádiva. Quem é que deve perdoar quem?

Sempre fui muito mais livre no papel designado pelas alucinações coletivas, do que quando quis eu, os proteger...

Jamais, o voltarei a fazer... Jamais estarei por entre a ti e a tua conveniente primavera...

Aqui, onde aprendo a ser Americana, a primavera é em Março, e agora podes ver claramente onde começa o recomeço, vês?

Um dia, quem sabe, apresento-me a ti e verás que nunca antes me conhecias...

-Dja Putin Stalin

Friday, March 13, 2015

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin´s Pornography - A Pornografia de Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

I had a very distinctive war weapon. It kept me very occupied and unconcerned with the troubles of ´men-hood´.
In China we keep everything very discrete.
Our delicate and sensitive approach to life, specifically the lives of men, made us extremely proficient. Experts in the Art of orgasms...
Our Services Are Highly Recommended By Our Clients Themselves And Those Who Can´t Afford Our Specialties Will Find Themselves Attempting To "Recreate" The Experience And Sell It On The ´Deep Web´. Piracy eventually got inspired by the Asian Flavors and kept a secret path to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin´s Oasis, welcoming those ostracized by the VIP gate keepers. Those rejected by their lack of attractive attributes, lack of money, lack of experience, lack of self-control, lack of scruples, lack of entertainment and distractions, lack of affection, lack of access to the pool of orgies liquified, lack of spirit, lack of confidence, lack of a muse for infatuation and ever more those haunted by the pain of a lack that they can never describe. Those wondering under sea, in space, those fasting in search for a fulfillment within... I took pleasure in providing my husband with the emptiness of his desires.
I engaged all my guns with the hunger to be possessed by an icon. An idol sculpted by his most daring fantasies. Everything that money could buy and I made them all feel empowered, important, abandoned and useful at the same time...
I was generous to his needs and embracing of any shame or uncomfortable feeling they might feel in order to accommodate a world growing bigger and devoid of meaning.
I had children of my own and raised them facing another direction. Another world less visited, hidden, unexplored and untouched by lust...
A word that my husband never knew that existed...
He forgot how to find me and I forgot to make a map.
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is born a man and his ambitions are different from mine. As a woman I had other interests, even though I could still function as the best and most expensive Artificial "love making" of mankind...
I run the "facility" in the shadows of your souls and there is absolutely nothing about his fucks that I didn't allow and crafted exclusively for him, no orgasm that I don´t know of or that he can keep from me...
Djanine Assunção Tavares Queiroz Putin Stalin Hitler Lee

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Friedrich Nietzsche

At some point in my adolescence, I carefully considered my uneventful options for having a good life. Soon after concluding it couldn't possibly be a good one, I met Friedrich Nietzsche.
-Dja Putin Stalin

~Hunting High And Low~
(Title Of An A-Ha Song)

What did Nietzsche search for when he entered the room that you were in?

He searched for light.

What does that mean?

I don’t really know. I wonder that myself.

Was it dark?

It was empty. It was void of anything that I understand.

Did he find light?

I am not Nietzsche. I didn´t know nor did I understand light.

How do you know what he was searching for?

My mind was placed at the same ‘space’ as his or vice-versa.

Did he understand what he was searching for?

I felt that he did but I don’t know…

How many times did ‘he’ do that?

Several times, I didn’t count. I was too young and immature to explain it to myself what was going on on an intellectual ‘level’. It was empty of influence, it was obvious and yet ambiguous at the same time. I didn’t have to think. I ‘knew’, as a sensation between my stomach and belly button, what he was communicating. It was not known to me whom he was at the first times he visited, only later I concluded that it was ‘him’…

Later when?

When I heard stories…

By whom?

Many different people. In particular my papa, Austro Queiroz. His presence was very similar to Nietzsche’s. When I met Austro Queiroz it was like meeting Nietzsche in person, I thought then.

Did you tell Austro that?

No. However, he knew most of my thoughts.

How come?

I never felt the need to hide from nor avoid him, except for the few minutes before he talked to me on the day that we met.


I was “at war” with the occasion. Perhaps, resenting it. I suspect that he knew that then, even before I said a word. He is very astute and sensitive. I had a moment of resistance to his slow approach to me but I was disarmed by his genuine smile and clear knowledge of what I was thinking. It never intimidated me but I was somewhat upset at first when I realized that we could communicate telepathically. I didn’t want to share my thoughts with ‘something’ I just met in person. Before that, I only could hear it by myself. I was annoyed for sure but, it was like we had the same mind. So, it made no sense to be “at war” with that fact and what seemed to be at war with myself, then. My mind was suddenly ‘paired with an understanding’ that I was getting used to from then on…

Was it love at first sight?

With Nietzsche or Austro Queiroz?



No love at all?

I may not have the ability to compare what it is to what I’ve learned to be love. It can’t be touched. I don’t fully comprehend the origin, the process, the extent nor the source of it’s life… Some may call it “Love”, “God”, “Peace” – The truth to me is very simple; I Just Do Not Know…

You know more than you say that you do.

I know, beyond any shadow of doubt, that his mind is integrated to mine in a very peculiar way. I just do not avoid it anymore.

Why did you avoid it before?

He was not willing to expose me to the speculations it has caused and I wasn’t ready to expose myself and the people I care about to the scrutinizing that this ‘inspires’ under the ‘care’ of people that feel threatened by it. It is to both of us something very natural. It was never forced nor crafted to fit any labels. It simply is an experience that I have accepted, a long time ago, as a part of whom I am. That is it!

Who are you?

If you don’t know whom I am, you don’t know whom you are. That leaves no room for you in my life… It is best for both of us to ‘part’ now and for eternity. Forever...

September 15th 2022

Djanine Putin