Sunday, December 22, 2013

I Do - Eu Faço

I do it for my daughter and my son. I do it for my grandma and her mom.
I do it today as I learned it tomorrow, what will be before time and sorrow.
I do it independently and in communion, I do it for freedom and union.
I do it for my husband and his family. I do it for my neighbors regardless of their names.
I do it for justice, I do it equally. I do it for focus and my sanity.
I do it when I fall and when I get up. I do it before dawn and when the champagne pops.
I do it for children and their essence, I do it passionately holding onto their innocence.
I do it for mold breaking, to challenge, to change. I do it with all my love and when my heart is aching.
I do it for men and women, I do it with no torture. I do it for their pure semen and the world culture.
I do it organically, genetically unmodified. I do it unartificially, I do it bonafide.
I do it creatively despite your judgement, I do magically, preserving the sentiment.
I do it instinctively honest, because there is no reason to lie, I do it gracefully whole, for time must die.
I do it in meditation,  when I shower, when I sleep. I do it in silence, when I sing and dive deep.
I do it frequently, unapologetic as there is no shame. I do it for you, your growth, and because we are the same.
I do it when I dance with my soul in a trance.
I do it for the thieves, for killers, for whores. I do it in plain sight outdoors.
I do it with no flaws, no sins, no outcast. I do it when I forget the past.
I do it socially, politically and in death. For social and political issues, too, shall pass.
I do it for myself, there is nothing else. I do it within nature, the elements and the Celts.
I do with God, in God's great joy and perfection. I do it confident of his infinite wisdom and protection.


-Dja Putin Stalin

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Indiferença - Idifference

"O oposto do amor não é o ódio, mas a indiferença."
-Érico Veríssimo
"The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference."
-Érico Veríssimo

Friday, December 13, 2013

Beautiful Flowers - Lindas Flores

Thank you! Love, Dja

Thank you! Love, Dja

Thank you! Love, Dja

Staring at me is the impossible made possible, and it has so many times...
Humbled by these flowers presence,
Namaste, Dja

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Presence - Presença

Welcome the presence within you... Initially it feels like a far away though, a whisper... It has the knowledge of 'everything' that Is. It knows indeed there is nothing else... You've always known of it's ancient wisdom, let it remind you. It's there, waiting for your permission and embracing will... 
Love, Dja 
Aceita esta presença dentro de você ... Inicialmente, ela parece ser um pensamento distante, um sussurro ... Ela tem o conhecimento de "tudo" o que é. Ela sabe de fato que não há mais nada ... Você sempre soube dessa sabedoria antiga, deixe que ela te lembre disso. Ela está lá, esperando por sua permissão e plena vontade de revê-la... 
Com Amor, Dja

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Friday, December 6, 2013

Nelson Mandela

Obrigada Por Guiar Nossos Irmaos & Irmas Ainda Mais Proximos De Serem Verdadeiramente Livres...
Thank You For Leading Our Brothers & Sisters That Much Closer To Real Freedom...
Love, Dja _/\_ Namaste
''Grande Espírito eu humildemente te peço...
Enxuga as lágrimas da minha Mãe Africa
pois seu filho Papa Mandiba fez a travessia...
Te peço que do outro lado do rio o espere e diga para ele:
Bem vindo ao lar filho querido,sua missão foi cumprida!''

''Do fundo da noite que me cobre,
Preta como o Breu de lado a lado
Agradeço a todos deuses pelo nobre
Inconquistável espírito a mim dado.

No acaso todo das circunstâncias
Não me deixei cair nem gritar
Apesar de um estouro de ânsias
Minha cabeça sangra sem curvar

Além desse lugar de tristezas e insanos
Nada se vê, só o Horror desde cedo
E ainda assim a ameaça dos anos
encontra-me e encontrar-me-á sem medo

Não importa quantas vezes desatino
nem quantas vezes a vida me espalma
Sou o mestre e senhor do meu destino:
Sou o capitão de minha alma.''

-Nelson Mandela


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Happy Birthday

A girl and a woman, forever friends whom I admire...
A crusader and a healer, inflicted wounds and exposed ill, your touch heals...
Serene and devastating, no one knows of such peace... They've heard stories.
Your caring and cruel words, navigating one's heart in search of love... And you found it right here.
Red sweet wine in your tongue -It stained my kisses, and all my poems with your presence...
You are the virtue in my perverted thoughts, they only long for your consent...
You've guided me with such an angel authority... I've accepted your blessings, and who would dare not to take your gifts?
Your sacred soup, coffee and tea, your perfect smile, your gentle wisdom, your chocolate eyes, your heart felt favorite songs, your romantic body, your lesson book, your soft voice, your magical herbs, your keen intuition, your self-respect...
Dear, I'm blessed with the gifts you are -thank you for sharing them with me..

-Djanine Putin Stalin